As any builder, foreman or GC knows, construction is one of the most accident-prone industries to work in. You’ll have to contend with heights, ladders, heavy equipment, machinery… the list goes on and on.
Luckily for your chippies and contractors, it’s also one of the most heavily-regulated industries out there, with a wealth of laws regulating safety and the building process.
These laws require you to take proactive steps to minimise the dangers posed not just by falls and other obvious accidents, but hazards such as:
- Inhaling harmful particles
- Heavy equipment and power tools
- Noise pollution, which can have a significant effect on one’s hearing
It requires all manner of measures to be taken: PPE, training, physical barriers, and of course, danger signs!
Less-common construction site hazards
Your danger plans may already account for things like falling objects and uneven surfaces.
But what about the hazards and dangers that you’re missing?
Sure, everyone knows about hazards like falls or accidents with machinery. However, construction sites also feature a range of other, lesser-known problems which may also result in injury.
This includes hazards such as:
- Hazardous chemicals
- Sprains and strains from carrying heavy loads
- Infection (resulting from ignoring cuts and scrapes)
- Hearing damage
And since these issues aren’t focused on as much, they have a tendency to go overlooked – hence, the importance of communicating them to your builders, tradies and contractors.
Hazchem signs and emergency information panels in construction
As hazchem specialists, the issue of hazchem safety signs is one that’s close to our hearts.
Unfortunately, it’s also one that many construction sites overlook!
While you won’t be dealing in chemicals and petroleum products like many of our other clients, many construction sites still need hazchem signs anyway.
The reason for this is because not all hazchem substances are acids!
Hazchem also covers:
- Toxic chemicals
- Carcinogens and goods that can cause respiratory problems
- Gasses and compressed air
Each of these may be present at your construction site, and thereby require hazchem signs and emergency information panels!
Communicating construction site hazards
Workplace safety and danger signs
Dangerous good signs and labels are an immediate, highly-visible way of communicating construction site hazards, both common and less-common. Naturally, this is the first place many foremen and GCs look to communicate workplace hazards!
We suggest kitting your workplace out with:
- Hazchem signs and emergency information panels for hazardous chemicals
- Danger and warning signs, for life-threatening risks
- Caution signs to alert workers to hazardous conditions
It’s also a good idea to complement these with mandatory signs, outlining essential safety procedures as well as PPE that must be worn onsite.
Safety briefs
While your workers may be familiar with the hazards present on a construction site, visitors may not be. While signs can help, oftentimes the best way to keep these individuals safe is to tell them upfront.
It may be worth completing a quick safety brief whenever a visitor comes onsite. It doesn’t have to be a long one – just a couple minutes will do the trick.
We know, it isn’t exactly the most exciting task – that said, training and testing are essential. You can’t play around when safety is on the line!
In particular, be sure to test new employees before letting them loose on your construction site. Even if they hold previous training, see what they know, just in case they’re rusty.
In particular, be sure to communicate site-specific information, such as unique hazards and the location of emergency facilities and kits.
Signs that you can rely on
Proper signage is vital to the operation of any workplace, including construction projects. Whether it’s large construction like towers and high-rise buildings, factories and warehouses, or something simple like a terrace house renovation, emergency safety signs are essential.
Without proper signage, you could see an accident on your site… not to mention, a hefty fine if WorkSafe visits, or a lawsuit from injured workers!
While they can’t prevent these issues per se, signs can certainly reduce the chance of them happening by keeping your workers informed as to the risks, and what they need to do.
And that’s where we come in.
In addition to hazchem signs and emergency information panels, our online sign shop also offers a range of different workplace safety signs.
No matter what hazards are present at your construction site, we have a sign for it.
Fast delivery
And since we have such a huge range on-hand at any time, we’re able to dispatch a sign to you quickly, with minimal turnaround.
We can get safety signs to you by the next day, no matter where you are in Australia!
We’ll help you with your signage requirements
Tell us what hazards are present on your construction site, and we’ll help you select a range of signs that match your OHS obligations. We’ll run through and explain your signage requirements, ensuring that your site is 100% legal and is as safe as possible.
Custom signs
Can’t find the sign you’re looking for in our catalogue? Give us a call about a custom site signs!
We can print signs with whatever you need on them. Tell us what you need, and we’ll do the research and create a sign – alternatively, send us a draft of your desired sign, and we’ll get right on it.
Call Signsmart for all your danger sign needs
Need a sign? We’ve got you covered! Our team of signage experts can be contacted on (03) 9687 3050 – alternatively, click this link to get in touch with us online.
You can also visit us for custom made signs in Melbourne: pop into our office at 122 Whitehall Street, Footscray, VIC 3011.